I-77 Exit 26 New Interchange
The new interchange on I-77 in South Carolina is being constructed to support the future Scout Motors, Inc. electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing facility in Blythewood, SC.
The improvements will provide easy access to the new Scout Motors facility, which will employ up to 4,000 people, delivering a significant economic boost to the region while helping relieve congestion and improve mobility for the residents of Blythewood.
Technical Highlights
- 4 bridges
- 5 ramps
- 1 community access / frontage road
- 1 connector road
- Improvements at 1 adjacent interchange (US 21)
- Adding 1 lane on northbound I-77 from south of proposed interchange to Blythewood Road
- Delivers significant economic boost to region
- Relieves congestion and improves mobility
- Provides dedicated routes for heavy truck traffic to avoid local roads
- Uses concrete bridge beams to reduce long term maintenance