I-95 Express Lanes
Lane, in a joint venture with Fluor, was responsible for the construction of the $722 million I-95 Express Lanes project, which created approximately 29 miles of Express Lanes on I-95 from Alexandria, VA on the northern terminus to Stafford, VA at the southern terminus. A seamless, direct line to the I-495 Capital Beltway Express Lanes was created at the completion of this project.
This project will add capacity to the existing HOV Lanes from the Prince William Parkway to the vicinity of Edsall Road; improve the existing two HOV lanes for six miles from Route 234 to the Prince William Parkway. A nine-mile reversible two-lane extension of the existing HOV lanes from Dumfries to Garrisonville Road in Stafford County will help to alleviate the worst traffic bottleneck in the region.
The project consists of an extensive ITS and Signing system, sound walls, asphalt mill and overlay, shoulder reconstruction, structural bridge work; and a 8.3 mile roadway extension that will consists of major clearing, earthwork, and bridge flyovers.