South Columbus Water Resources Facility (WRF) Improvements
The South Columbus Water Resources Facility (WRF) is a wastewater treatment plant that serves the city of Columbus, Muscogee County, and the U.S. Army’s Fort Benning. It is located on the banks of the Chattahoochee River just south of Columbus.
Originally constructed in 1964, the WRF is due for upgrades to its critical process treatment equipment. Once completed, these upgrades will increase the plant’s resiliency by replacing critical systems, making the plant less susceptible to high flows during heavy storm events.
Technical Highlights
The project’s major elements include:
- replacement of three 350 HP influent pumps and associated piping, valves, instrumentation and controls
- replacement of 4 turbo aeration blowers and associates piping, valves, instrumentation and controls
- replacement of two 100-foot diameter sludge digester covers
The work also includes:
- temporary bypass pumping of all the plant’s influent flow (84 million gallons per day)
- replacement of digester boilers and associated piping
- lowering of the existing aeration diffusers located in the aeration basins
- installation of two new isolation valves in the existing influent discharge piping to eliminate the need for future bypass pumping operations